Your #ECUAmoment: Ecuador Travel Blog-Parade

You’ve been traveling a lot so far and you’ve been collecting many unforgettable moments on your journey? One of your recent travels trips brought you to Ecuador and/or you’re associating an extraordinary moment with this country that makes Ecuador unforgettable for you? We would love to read your personal ECUAmoments — the good ones and also the strange ones.

What is a Blog Carnival?

You want to share your stories and experiences but you never joined a Blog Carnival before? — No problem! The explanation is easy. A Blog Carnival is created from Bloggers for Bloggers. The initiator invites other bloggers to write about a specific topic. In their blogpost they link the initiator’s blog. The initiator collects all the blogposts until a specific deadline and creates a summarizing blogpost about selected stories. Every participant’s blog will be linked in this blogpost.

The topic

Your Ecuador Travel Stories. A topic that is as diverse as the world itself. Recently I’ve been talking a lot about it, with people from all over the world. There were funny stories, crazy stories, sad stories and life-changing stories I listened to. A lot of them took place in Ecuador, where I’m also living right now. Ecuador is one of the most beautiful countries South America has to offer.

The benefits

  • We’ll collect all your posts in an overview on this page and link them back to your blog.
  • We will spread and promote select blog posts via our social media channels.
  • After the end of the Blog Carnival we will summarize the blog parade in a separate article.

The guidelines

  • This Blog Carnival starts from now on and lasts until the 31/01/2017.
  • Any blogger with a relevant and non-commercial blog post article can participate.
  • Your blog post can be in any language like English, German, etc.
  • To take part you must mention that your blog post is part of this blog parade and link back to this blog post.
  • Use hashtag #ECUAmoment when you share your story on social media.
  • Use can use our comment section below or send us a message to notify us about your blog post.

Why Ecuador?

Apart from the incredible cultural variety, the Ecuadorians have another advantage that often makes them want to stay in their country and not travel at all: The four different zones el Oriente, la Sierra, la Costa and the Galápagos Islands. That is to say that they basically have everything right there: The rainforest, the mountains and the beach. My favorite place to spend time at definitely is the beach. It’s always warm, sunny and people are really open minded and friendly there.

El Oriente

Rainforest in Ecuador — © Nile / Pixabay.

The rainforest is definitely worth a visit. You’ll get the chance to see all those animals you actually only see at the zoo. There are monkeys that are already pretty used to tourists. That’s why you have to watch out for your stuff because they are really good thieves. Besides you’ll see various snakes, birds and insects that you’ve probably never seen before.

La Sierra

Mountains of Ecuador — © Stella Genge.

The Mountains offer a lot of places, must-sees and cities you’ll definitely never forget. Let’s go for the cities first. There is Baños, which is famous for its low-cost possibilities to do several extreme sports like Bungee-jumping for instance. Extraordinary sports can also be done at Mindo as well as other interesting activities like watching hummingbirds or learning things about chocolate at the chocolate museum. To relax after all those exiting things, there is a place called Papallacta where you can enjoy the hot springs being directly heated by a volcano. The water there contains a lot of minerals that make your skin smooth and your body healthy. Don’t miss the biggest market in whole South America which is located in Otavalo. There is no handcraft you won’t find there. You can buy alpaca wool processed to scarfs, sweaters, blankets or gloves, as well as jewelry, bags and many decoration articles there. And last but not least, go to Quito! Ecuador’s capital provides markets, good restaurants, a crazy nightlife and sights like el Panecillo, el Teleférico, la Basilica and a lot of museums and parks.

La Costa

Ecuadorian beach — © Instituto Superior de Español.

If you’re looking for the perfect combination of good food, funny parties and relaxing swims, the coast is your place to be. You can really feel an atmosphere that makes you willing to relax and enjoy the sunny side of life. That is to say that things are happening way slower than anywhere else, so better bring time for your beach stay.

The Galapagos Islands

Fish while snorkeling at the Galapagos Islands — Ecuadorian beach — © Instituto Superior de Español.

People call it paradise what is definitely true. If you can afford this expensive trip don’t hesitate! On the Galapagos Islands exists the biggest diversity of animal species. You can swim with the famous Galapagos tortoise, snorkel and dive to have the greatest underwater experience ever and enjoy the pleasant warm climate all year round.

Your ECUAmoment

Now it’s your turn! Tell us about your #ECUAmoment! What’s your favorite story? Here are some questions that could help you remembering it ;)

  • Did you visit some of the destinations mentioned above so far?
  • What was your favorite place?
  • What was the craziest thing that happened to you?
  • Have you made any bad experiences you had to deal with during your trip?
  • What were the differences compared to your home country and how did you like them?
  • Did you travel alone or were your accompanied by anyone?
  • Did you plan your trip all by yourself or did you book it through a travel agency/organization?
  • How did you like the people?
  • And the most important thing: According to your overall experience, would you recommend Ecuador as must-travel destination and why?

We look forward to your stories. Let’s get started! Share this Blog Carnival with other Story Tellers on Facebook, Twitter or Google+!

#ECUAmoments so far

Read about the #ECUAmoments of our participants:

Originally published on Ailola by Laura Straub on November 22, 2016.